Television companies N1 and Al Jazeera undesirables at opening of UAE-owned wind farm

October 16, 2019

Television companies N1 and Al Jazeera were banned from reporting on the opening of the Čibuk 1 wind farm in the village of Mramorak near Kovin. According to the testimony of Al Jazeera correspondent Đorđe Kostić, the ban was ordered by the United Arab Emirates ambassador to Serbia and enforced by representatives of Abu Dhabi-based company Masdar, which organised the event and owns the wind farm.

Kostić says that everything that happened was reported to Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who attended the event and said it was not his decision and that he attempted to influence a change in the order.

Serbian journalists’ unions UNS and NUNS demanded that the owner of the wind farm issue an